Job Readiness

Strengthening Knowledge, Initiative, Leadership, and Learning (SKILL) is the job readiness program developed by Afya. It is designed to empower individuals with the skills and resources needed to secure and maintain stable employment. Through targeted training and support, we will help participants build confidence, develop essential workplace skills, and connect with job opportunities.
Our program offers resume building, interview preparation, workplace etiquette training, and professional development workshops. We will also provide assistance with job applications, career counseling, and referrals to employment opportunities. To further support long-term success, participants will have access to GED assistance, financial literacy education, and behavioral health assessments. Those facing additional challenges, such as transportation, will be connected to relevant community resources.
A key component of the program will be partnerships with local employers, workforce development agencies, and training centers to ensure job placement opportunities align with industry needs.
Our goal is to empower participants to achieve financial independence and build a sustainable future for themselves and their families.​